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St Andrews Presbyterian Church

Barkly Street,, MORDIALLOC VIC 3195 - Property No B2225


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Former St Andrews Presbyterian Church & Presbytery

St Andrew's Uniting Church

Cnr Leura & Barkly Streets,, CAMPERDOWN VIC 3260 - Property No B5025

An auditorium-type church of 1901 by Evander McIver, added on to the existing stone nave of c1860, and carried out in a simplified Gothic style of mixed period origins. The tower is a later addition. Classified: 01/10/1987



Former St Andrews Presbyterian Church

St Andrew's Uniting Church

239 Main Street, (Cnr Pyke Street), BAIRNSDALE VIC 3875 - Property No B5382

A Presbyterian church of 1885-6 by the Bairnsdale architect A F Kraemer on a quasi-auditorium plan with a broad polygonal transept-like termination and a complex roof of strutted rafters and scissor trusses, carried from strange clusters of foliated corbels; all in thin construction and now regrettably in a parlous structural state, as well as being seriously defaced by additions to the main front. Classified: 21/06/1984



Speechley & Ingram Organ-StAndrews Presbyterian Church

Church Street,, MORWELL VIC 3840 - Property No B7028

A two manual organ of 12 speaking stops built in 1872 by Speechley and Ingram, Camden Town, London for a private client in Melbourne and successively located in the Melbourne Athenaeum Hall, St Andrew's Schoolroom, Brighton, St Thomas' Anglican Church, Essendon and the Methodist Church, Thornbury before its restoration and installation at its present location in 1995-97. The instrument retains its original action, console, pipework and case, although the decoration of the facade ... more



St Andrews Presbyterian Church

Hamilton Street,, KILMORE VIC 3764 - Property No B0726

A four bay bluestone church designed by James Fleury and built in 1864 by James Proudfoot Snr. The exterior is dominated by an attractive octagonal stone and timber belfry placed above the main facade. Classified: 26/05/1988



Former St Andrews Presbyterian Church - Port Fairy Historic Area

Old St Andrews

33 Albert Street,, PORT FAIRY VIC 3284 - Property No B0338

A naive but charming classical church built in 1854 of coursed squared basalt, with pediment and entablatures to windows and entrance. In 1871 the whole building was cement rendered, the facade being decorated with fluted Ionic pilasters; the capitals of each incorporating a band of Anthemion ornament, apparently modelled on those of the north porch of the Erechtheion at Athens. The old St Andrew's Presbyterian Church was erected by T Fairbairn in 1854 to replace an earlier ... more

